Friday, April 17, 2015

Should we all be Bloggers...

A simple question, that can yield profound results. When punched into Google, a myriad of answers come to the front.  These all elude to the a simple, YES.

But why? I have a couple thoughts to add to those, with an educator slant. Should all educators, students be bloggers?

Blogging - was coined a term back in 1997, actually it was "Weblog". That apparently was shortened in 1999 to just "Blog".  See more history here. Also, it appears that this very own, Blogger, made blogging common for many people.

Of course with many new tools, blogging in business and education quickly jumped on the bandwagon. Another article, shares 10 reasons employees of a company should be blogging. As I reflected on this article I found many reasons why every educator should be blogging.

  1. Blogging helps communicate CHANGE to the world.

  2. What better tool than to have those share out there learning to the world through a blog. Not only do they have a authentic audience, they have a real audience. The fact that their audience is real and authentic will promote more positive content. If the process is scaffolded correctly then blogging can be a means to transforming mindsets.

  3. Blogging helps others become emotionally invested

  4. It forces you to make an opinion about a topic or subject and therefore you are now attached to that topic. We are human, and have the ability to change our views and there for a new post can be published that demonstrates that growth. Blogs provide that tool for showing that growth.

  5. Blogging is fun

  6. Choose a topic and share your thoughts. Reflect on post of others, or something you heard today and you didn't get to finish your thought. Share a video and comment on it. Add a picture. Share insights into your thoughts on life. Share.

  7. Blogging is reflective and there reaches those higher order thinking skills

  8. The process of blogging is higher-ordered thinking. 
The critical thinking category includes this definition: Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.  - ASCD Website 

Blogging can be whatever you want it to be. It has potential. Potential means we can choose and create something new, something authentic, something real. When we are creating we are growing. Think of a little seed. It has potential. It can one day be the substance of life. But before it is tasting delicious in our mouths, it must grow. Blogging is part of the growth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TechChat: Blended Learning

Brad Moser - @bmos
April 2015

What is blended learning?
Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.

Prezi that share some thoughts about Blended Learning

Thoughts from articles: ACSD Blended Learning

  1. Have a dream or vision
  2. Make a plan
  3. Try it out
  4. Use technology effectively
  5. Have clear expectations
  6. Be flexible

Blended Ideas:
Asynchronous learning - blogging, discussion boards, quizzes, lab results
Synchronous learning - labs, group work, direct instruction
Pacing - self paced, group paced, whole class pacing
Tracking - student keep record of standard or completion, badges?
Expectations - How much is completed in class, out of class, online, face to face

Example from Physics Class:
Students will research and apply principles of momentum through selected tasks, then demonstrate understanding in group project.

  1. I believe I can allow access to content online and change our class functions by allowing students to complete task at own pace. With selected benchmark checking days.
  2. Created a website and built content in Canvas LMS. Assignments would be submitted through Canvas.
  3. I attempted the labs on the iPads and submitted through Canvas.
  4. Students used the portability of the iPads to collect images of themselves completing the labs and used those images for their student reflective journals and for submitting the assignments.
  5. Student were shown the entire unit and what was expected at the beginning. They were given the due dates and what was expected.
  6. We could not always get the computer labs for the project iMovie. We had to change when the computer labs were open to complete the video project at the end.