Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Learning at Conferences is Cool

Last October I meant to post this. Still relevant today. 

Today I am at the #MOREnet2015 Conference. This is a local conference sponsored by MOREnet.

It has started as a pretty typical conference. A nice building, Union Station in St. Louis, random breakfast food, lots of fruit, and an opening keynote, laughs, slides, and stories. This time the keynote was by Tony Vincent. He cracked some warm up jokes and dove into his profound presentation. It was about Powerful Projects. You really should check it out.  I was deeply inspired by the use of authentic projects that help students have a real audience, gain ownership, and make something meaningful. This is what we should have all students working on in school. This is what school is about.

A buddy of mine stated it well, "It's not about the tools..., it's all how you use them" - Greg Lawrence We are all learners and learning is not perfect. We should continually seek for those tools that are helpful but use them in helpful ways.

Monday, July 27, 2015

School Themes for new year

Here are some ideas for slogans for the new school year:

  • Every child. Every Day
  • Teach it forward
  • All In
  • Make it happen
  • You can, I can, we can
  • Fail Forward
  • Teaching Together
  • Believe and Succeed
  • Home of Tomorrow’s Leaders
  • Inspire, empower, engage, challenge, thrive and excel
  • Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
  • Power Up Learning
  • Learn Forever
  • Ubuntu: I am because we are
  • Imagine greatness.
  • NOTE for Tech Dept.: T.E.C.H. -Talented Educators Climbing Higher
  • Grow.
  • Grow. [word]. [word].
  • Becoming
  • Be Inspired
  • Rise to Power
  • Inspire All Students, All the Time

Weigh in with your thoughts or share other slogans in the comments.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I have a Team

It takes a team to brainstorm. You can generate some great thoughts individually; through the brainstorming process together you can evolve your one idea and spawn an even greater collaborative idea.

This was the third and final day of our Summer Connections conference at Mooresville NC.  While there are many tool and neat apps that I would love to share, I am going to restrain now and share a couple thoughts about team work.

Teamwork is a culture. It takes effort to build and it takes time to grow. Just like planting a tree from a tiny seed. Teams need time to ponder, time to chat, time to work, time to laugh, time to play, time to share and time to collaborate. This trip helped to bond my team. We traveled together and ate together. We enjoyed keynotes and presentations, we asked questions and networked, we looked for others success and discussed how we would do it, we bowled and we danced and most importantly we grew. We grew in knowledge, belief, patience and communication.

While this was an experience that took place throughout this Summer Connections conference, I believe this is a similar experience that you can have as a learner.  You can make connections, network, collaborate with others, work on a project, enjoy a lunch with an old friend, or just listen to another, and through that you can grow. So grow where you are and enjoy it. I sure did. I can. You can. We can.

I thank the Belton School District for allowing me an opportunity to attend such a great conference and to support my growth as I try to support our students growth. I believe we can all continue to grow and learn forever.

“with all the technology we have, the most powerful force we have, a sense of love and caring” Dr. Mark Edwards

The Learning Continues

When you attend conferences, one thing you hope to get is connected. You connect socially, educationally and technically. According to the post on Forbes, there are 7 pillars of being able to connect with others. Many of these pillars I have experienced from the host at Mooresville's Summer Connection

A couple examples from this conference from the article: 
Be Genuine - I can not tell you how impressed I am with the authentic, genuine love of learning and of sharing their message than I have experienced from Mooresville. It shows in everything they do.  
Providing Massive Help - In addition to the myriad of resources shared, Mooresville staff will engage in pertinent conversation and willing to diverge from their talking points to meet your need. They express help at all times. 

I want to share a couple thoughts from the the conference. The impression from Mooresville is not a hoax or a fake front. It is truly and deeply a part of who they are. At the opening Culture & Climate session, we participated in some trust activities which modeled taking a chance and #FailFoward. We went through the simple blindfold activity. Where a leader is blindfolded and in the "hands" of the other staff. These types of activities are important to continuing to remind leaders of the support and communication needed from staff. Plus its really fun. 

Just being here and seeing the successes they have created is inspiring. I loved this thought we had when talking about our reflecting on our programs and trying to continue with them, a MGSD leader said, "I don’t go to the grocery store with a list of things I don’t want." While you will find what you are looking for, its important to stay positive and willing to grow. And with Mooresville, its not so much important where you grow but that you are growing. You can tell these teams have worked with each other before because they are completing each other's sentences. 

Afterward the educational sessions the learning continues through the development of socializing with food and fun. They hosted a great bowling and buffet tonight. What I found interesting was that they took the time to have their employees attend, and hanging out with all the groups. I realize this took extra effort and time but was so valuable to building an unforgettable relationship with those who attended. They try to make real friends

There is always time to make friends and #LearnForever

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

An Example Conference - #MGSD15

I have been to...well lets just say a lot of conferences. To name drop a couple, the great and glamorous ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), NSTA (National Science Teachers Association), AAPT (American Association of Physics Teachers), #EdcampKC and various others. All of these conference held many things in common: lots of sessions, learning, cookies, technology and miles of walking. While I definitely rose to the top on my school's health initiatives, I continue to experience the same types of presentations, sit and get.

All that has changed. I am currently visiting Mooresville Grade School District Summer Connection Conference. It is truly amazing. From the entrance to the school, with employees in their Blue polos welcoming and greeting, to the breakout sessions that are actually modeling what they are promoting, I have felt the culture and spirit of learning. This is what we should be teaching and learning when we attend conferences.

Mooresville Grade School District has 6000 students, 3 elementary, 2 intermediate, 1 middle school and 1 high school. It is a nationally recognized school for its excellence(MGSD School About Page). It prides itself of being a leader with inundating schools and student with technology, but promotes the enhancement of learning thanks to these powerful tools.

I have a problem when attending many sessions on teaching for schools. I feel like they all seem to say and tell about a tool and how great it is and show it off and use video clips, but rarely do you get to see a true modeling of the effective 21st century teaching and learning skills. I believe here at #MGSD15 they not only talk the talk, but they walk the walk. I can say that from my first hand experience.

Some of these experiences included a high energy welcome session with student presentations. They seem to be very conscience about the terminology about everything. From understanding "personalized learning" to calling their vendors "partners" because that is what they are to them. Students gave their actual presentations from projects from this previous year. The student were confident and knowledgable. I loved what this 12grade student said about his experience from his animation project; he said that he had a "sense of professionalism." This is what we want all our seniors going forth to life to experience before graduating. Dr. Mark Edwards shared his sentiment that “with all the technology we have, the most powerful force we have, a sense of love and caring" and that we need to “look beyond children and see them as they can be.” Such powerful and simple words of truth.

Our first breakout we worked with our team from the Belton School District 124, assistant superintendent, instructional coach, technology integration specialist, technology director, librarian, to evaluate and reflect on our learning practice at our own school. We discussed Personalized Learning and its meaning. After created our image of an effective and ineffective classroom we did a great SAMR sort using some differentiated cards.

My tech coach break-out included a nice modeled lesson that was built around the idea of tech coaches as super heroes and how we have powerful skills to share and even some kryptonite that we need to be sensitive to.  We also did an iron chef with mix and match cards about learning tools, types of learners and standards. It was fun and flexible. We were up out of our seats, we collaborated, we laughed. All the things of a great lesson. The agenda was accessible via a Google Site and Google Docs. We used them to collaborate. I appreciate that MGSD used the tools effectively and appropriately. I want to model more like they are doing. Its not fancy, its simple. Just do it.

I truly had an amazing and enlightening day attending #MGSD15 and I encourage all to attend, learn and then bring the same climate and culture to uplift and spark the flame of learning in your own home district, community, and with students and parents. Because that's what its about, helping our students.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Smashing Apps

There is always something new to learn. This week I am reesesrching and learning more about the idea of app smashing. As I had assumed, smashing apps is exactly as it sounds, you take multiple apps and find a way to smash them together.

I feel like this is something that I have been doing but never called it smashing of apps.  Basically I would take images from online and my camera roll, edit them in Pic Collage, add them to Telligami, add an avatar recording, then upload to YouTube and embed on a website. 

Today I intentionally used Snapseed to edit photos. Pic Collage to arrange them. Thinglink to make a poster with interactivity and Blogger to share it out. 

It's that simple. 

     Smash to other apps

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Creating User Friendly Online Course Pages

Inline image 2

Inline image 1

I wanted to share a thought from Mr. Winslow about generating and using buttons or icons as buttons in his Canvas course. If you are wanting a way to improve the navigation of content on course pages or make the interface a little more welcoming then you will want to use icon, images and buttons. 

For example, you might have seen these icons in our online pd courses:

Inline image 3  Inline image 1  Inline image 2

Inline image 2 

Also here is another example to use a button generator found online. 


Here is the screenshot of a canvas page showing how I use buttons to hyperlink within a course. The buttons were created at buttongenerator.com and all you have to do is put an acknowledgement somewhere in the application or on a website, like I did at the bottom of this page.

Inline image 1

I appreciate all your support!


Mr. Winslow
Chemistry/Physics Instructor
Instructional Leadership Team
NHS Sponsor
Senior Class Sponsor
Belton High School

Make your own buttons, headers and dividers. Springfield Public School has developed a nice resource with pre-populated images for headers, dividers and buttons. Check out their page and save the header images as needed or make your own using Google Drawing or PowerPoint.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Creating on the go

Some people think that it is impossible to use mobile devices to create and share on the fly. Some feel that our students today must have a desktop or laptop to type their school papers. While I have to agree that having a full keyboard and laptop work and is what we, adult learners, are more comfortable, I believe today's students are that much more capable to using mobile and smaller devices to accomplish the same tasks as before and extending to create new, never before accomplished tasks.

I remember when texting became a thing. I recall using my first Nokia phone as just a phone and to play Snake. I didn't think texting was worth the short bust I could send with my phone. Was it worth the amount of time it took to type a text message? Why not just call the person? You had to hit the 2 digit three times just to get the letter "C." Well along came the concept of T9 predictive text. After some time kids could send txt a using T9 without even looking. Kids can learn and maximize the tools.

I recently created s family video with a powerful message for my kids using my wife's new iPhone. We totally captured the footage, edited the videos, added the text and audio and published it for the world all in about an hours time.

In fact I am creating this post on my iPhone now. I'm able to type these paragraphs, format the document, and even embed the video. Something you can not do on a standard Micorsoft Word document. My point being, you, me students can create on mobile devices.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Should we all be Bloggers...

A simple question, that can yield profound results. When punched into Google, a myriad of answers come to the front.  These all elude to the a simple, YES.

But why? I have a couple thoughts to add to those, with an educator slant. Should all educators, students be bloggers?

Blogging - was coined a term back in 1997, actually it was "Weblog". That apparently was shortened in 1999 to just "Blog".  See more history here. Also, it appears that this very own, Blogger, made blogging common for many people.

Of course with many new tools, blogging in business and education quickly jumped on the bandwagon. Another article, shares 10 reasons employees of a company should be blogging. As I reflected on this article I found many reasons why every educator should be blogging.

  1. Blogging helps communicate CHANGE to the world.

  2. What better tool than to have those share out there learning to the world through a blog. Not only do they have a authentic audience, they have a real audience. The fact that their audience is real and authentic will promote more positive content. If the process is scaffolded correctly then blogging can be a means to transforming mindsets.

  3. Blogging helps others become emotionally invested

  4. It forces you to make an opinion about a topic or subject and therefore you are now attached to that topic. We are human, and have the ability to change our views and there for a new post can be published that demonstrates that growth. Blogs provide that tool for showing that growth.

  5. Blogging is fun

  6. Choose a topic and share your thoughts. Reflect on post of others, or something you heard today and you didn't get to finish your thought. Share a video and comment on it. Add a picture. Share insights into your thoughts on life. Share.

  7. Blogging is reflective and there reaches those higher order thinking skills

  8. The process of blogging is higher-ordered thinking. 
The critical thinking category includes this definition: Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do.  - ASCD Website 

Blogging can be whatever you want it to be. It has potential. Potential means we can choose and create something new, something authentic, something real. When we are creating we are growing. Think of a little seed. It has potential. It can one day be the substance of life. But before it is tasting delicious in our mouths, it must grow. Blogging is part of the growth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

TechChat: Blended Learning

Brad Moser - @bmos
April 2015

What is blended learning?
Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.

Prezi that share some thoughts about Blended Learning

Thoughts from articles: ACSD Blended Learning

  1. Have a dream or vision
  2. Make a plan
  3. Try it out
  4. Use technology effectively
  5. Have clear expectations
  6. Be flexible

Blended Ideas:
Asynchronous learning - blogging, discussion boards, quizzes, lab results
Synchronous learning - labs, group work, direct instruction
Pacing - self paced, group paced, whole class pacing
Tracking - student keep record of standard or completion, badges?
Expectations - How much is completed in class, out of class, online, face to face

Example from Physics Class:
Students will research and apply principles of momentum through selected tasks, then demonstrate understanding in group project.

  1. I believe I can allow access to content online and change our class functions by allowing students to complete task at own pace. With selected benchmark checking days.
  2. Created a website and built content in Canvas LMS. Assignments would be submitted through Canvas.
  3. I attempted the labs on the iPads and submitted through Canvas.
  4. Students used the portability of the iPads to collect images of themselves completing the labs and used those images for their student reflective journals and for submitting the assignments.
  5. Student were shown the entire unit and what was expected at the beginning. They were given the due dates and what was expected.
  6. We could not always get the computer labs for the project iMovie. We had to change when the computer labs were open to complete the video project at the end.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Badges....so worth it

I wanted to share something about badges. Today I received my first couple badges from this online Blended Learning Designer course that I am participating in. Wow...I am loving it so far. I am impressed at the structure of this Blended Learning Designer course offered by BlendKit2015  and it is still only module 1. I am trying to participate fully and I have earned three badges. There are several websites that help track your online badges, this one is called Credly. I would love to follow the structure of badging to recognize completeness in my of PD workshops. Blendkit is using a structure of 6 different topic areas with four different ways to earn a badge within that topic. The areas include info stream contribution, blogging, reading and DYI. So a participant can earn 4 badges in each topic area. If you collect at least one badge from each topic area than you qualify for the course completion badge. 

Below is a screenshot of my Credly homepage. It shows the three designer badges I have earned from my effort earlier this week. I am hoping to complete all 7 badges and earn the overall completion badge. 

Inline image 1

Monday, February 23, 2015

To blend or not to blend...

Image from: common:wikipedia.com
I am up late again. My wife and kids have gone to sleep and I am up on my computer, not watching TV, but rather reading. Reading about blended learning and the power in can have on learning. This is something that I am drawn to on a daily basis. 

I have experience as a high school physics teacher. I had the privilege to teach before and after having one to one devices in the hands of my students. I currently work as a tech integration specialist in Belton School District and support our learning in the 21st century in a larger one to one environment. What that means to me is that I know our students can have access to their learning anytime, anywhere. What that also means is are we transforming the learning experience in our schools? 

After reading the chapter one from #BlendKit2015  I became impressed with the notion about quality blended learning courses. For the longest time I felt that we were blending our learning by simply granting access to students to devices, but it is so much more than that. An area that we could spend hours and days on would be course and curriculum design and development. Teachers need to have time to time ask the questions for their courses as mentioned in the chapter:

“What’s the best mix of traditional, live, teacher-led presentation and synchronous or asynchronous, technology-driven methods of teaching?” It is important to determine your role as a teacher in the learning process. Should it be one that is primarily directive or facilitative? Also, decide the importance of interaction amongst the students. These questions may be answered differently depending on the teaching/learning context. In any event, blended learning lends itself to learner-centered, teacher-guided (as opposed to teacher-directed), interactive, and student-collaborative learning."

I think as a teacher sometimes we forget to step away from the microscope and see the collection films to ask those guiding questions and re-plan our path. These questions about the purpose of the learning needs to be established before we should just do the same old activity that we had done before. 

After understanding blended learning through this reading I ask myself these questions:

  1. How can blended learning should support the learning experience?
  2. What strategies should I use in a particular learning experience? 
  3. What is the learning experience principal? What learning tools will support that principal?

By asking these questions I believe you will focus more on learning and less on tech tools. The process of learning will include blended components and this will transform your experience. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Best time to plant a tree...

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the second best is now."

Well it is finally now and I am going to begin keeping a philosophical, personal, educational, technical, professional and whatever other sparks of innovation hit me on some idle Tuesday.

Tonight it is the inspiration for starting this post.  I recently connected with other EdTech leaders in the #kcedu area. Wow, they are on fire and seem to always motivate me to want to be more engaged and be a better leader.  After joining a powerful professional development day with Excelsior Springs, lead by Michelle Nobel, I had the privilege to connect with these same tweet peeps (tweeps), on a new platform, Voxer. 

Voxer is simple,  think of a walkie talkie, that records and collects your talks. Then think, a walkie talkie that can broadcast to multiple people. Then add the ability to text and send pictures. Then you have Voxer. 

At first I was reluctant that I would find it beneficial to carry on short conversations with anyone. But I am having some of the deepest philosophical and enriching conversations with my tweeps around educational topics like, personalized learning and one to one. I love that I can hear the voice of my colleagues, and hear their authentic tone and meaning. It is more than a tweet, its a connection. 

So, when is the best time to start Voxer or Twitter or a blog post....now.