Sunday, May 17, 2015

Creating on the go

Some people think that it is impossible to use mobile devices to create and share on the fly. Some feel that our students today must have a desktop or laptop to type their school papers. While I have to agree that having a full keyboard and laptop work and is what we, adult learners, are more comfortable, I believe today's students are that much more capable to using mobile and smaller devices to accomplish the same tasks as before and extending to create new, never before accomplished tasks.

I remember when texting became a thing. I recall using my first Nokia phone as just a phone and to play Snake. I didn't think texting was worth the short bust I could send with my phone. Was it worth the amount of time it took to type a text message? Why not just call the person? You had to hit the 2 digit three times just to get the letter "C." Well along came the concept of T9 predictive text. After some time kids could send txt a using T9 without even looking. Kids can learn and maximize the tools.

I recently created s family video with a powerful message for my kids using my wife's new iPhone. We totally captured the footage, edited the videos, added the text and audio and published it for the world all in about an hours time.

In fact I am creating this post on my iPhone now. I'm able to type these paragraphs, format the document, and even embed the video. Something you can not do on a standard Micorsoft Word document. My point being, you, me students can create on mobile devices.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Thanks for sharing. You and your kids clearly had a blast with this whiffle lesson. All from a pocket sized computer doubling as a phone. BTW, typing this on a mobile device. BOOM!!!
