Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Not at #ISTE2016 but still learning

It's the end of June, the weather is warm, the pools are frequented and... I am still at home, not at ISTE. Normally, I would be learning up a storm while connecting with thousands of other educators at the world's largest International Society for Technology in Education summer conference.

And while I can't attend this year due to the coming of a new baby in our family, which I am totally pumped about, I wanted to share my thoughts about learning that comes with this great conference and community.


The best part of ISTE is that you feel like you are at a huge gathering of super excited and motivated learners who are ready to have fun while learning. Everywhere you go there are conversations being had, ideas being shared and enlightenment happening. From dawn even after dusk, something fun is happening.

Being at home, is not as fun, but through the power of my PLN (Professional Learning Network) and social media tools (Twitter, Facebook), I can join in some of the fun!

with over 14000 educators colliding in one location and super charged with online tech tools, ISTE is the place to connect with other like-minded educators. These passionate people are primed and ready to share their ideas and listen to yours. I've met Aaron Sims and Jon Bergman live wandering through the Poster sessions or new CEO of BreakoutEDU, Adam Bellows. Connecting with your #PLN peeps is always a fun time too.  I have come to realize the power in connecting with others and when there are so many others with a similar passion and philosophy it makes for lasting connections. 


Put on a Virtual Reality headset, test out a new product, be inspired by motivational stories, listen to power speakers, feel the passion from real educators trying to do real projects with their students. These things will inspire you to become a better educator. To try something new for your class. The point is to go home refreshed and ready to raise the level of your teaching and learning in your community. 

I am home...but I am not out of ISTE. There are plenty of ways to stay connected with ISTE so that I can have the FUN, make new CONNECTions and be INSPIRED to learn on! 


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Some video tools for learning

There are a couple of options depending on what you are trying to do with you tube videos. Here are some ideas. 

TubeChop: http://www.tubechop.com/ Will let you add a youtube video and chop it from the beginning and end then gives you a link to a webpage with the chopped video. Then you could use the embed code to embed into Canvas or other webpage. 

Edpuzzle - https://edpuzzle.com/ Add YouTube video and then add interactive components to stop video and add questions. Embed into Canvas. Requires students added to a class in Edpuzzle. 

Zaption - http://zaption.com Add videos from various sites. Insert text, questions and embed into LMS or website. Track student completion and use. 

EduCanon - https://www.educanon.com/ Similar to Edpuzzle. You will need to create an account and students will have be added to a class. 

DragonTape http://www.dragontape.com/#/home Lets you trim and cut multiple youtube videos then make one video. Unfortunately you can only share a link from a mixed tape video. Embed into Canvas or webpage. 

Remember that the power in creating a good video is using multiple resources to create the video. Above are listed a couple examples. You also can use the power of iMovie or Windows movie maker or Wevideo to mash up multiple videos, edit videos, customize your own videos.

Download and rip and edit videos in iMovie - You can also download youtube videos to edit them on iMovie. Then share them back out to YouTube so you can embed them in any of your tools.