Thursday, April 22, 2021

Learning is Reflective

Today, I listened and learned from George Couros again. Honestly, I was entering this keynote thinking, I've heard from him before, does he have new insights to offer. The answer is interesting. 

Though much of what Geroge shared was similar to things I've heard from him before, I was impressed at how it hit me in new ways. Not that he didn't have new fresh content to share, he totally did since I have not heard him speak to reflective practice. However, every day we are new creatures. We have experiences yesterday that might make a passage we understood last week, present new ideas this week. 

So learning every day is important and vital for us to review what we learn and then reflect upon what we learn. 

Blogging allows us to deepen the learning, work through the process which in turn develops a deeper sense of understanding, empathy, and awareness.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Highlights from Teacher Tips

Image of Brad

Over the past couple of years I have posted thoughts and insights to help teachers rock what they do. I tagged these on Twitter with the #TeacherTips. Here is a couple I'd like to highlight on my blog:
















