Friday, January 28, 2022

A Blended Learning Rally Cry

Let's go! 

To prepare our students to be successful in the future, to be able to thrive, lead, and achieve their potential, then learning with technology is paramount. Technology is ubiquitous, an integral part of everything that we do, see, touch, feel. Harnessing the power of technology is the task at hand for our future-ready students.

We are preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist. There are two fundamental skills that will benefit students regardless of career path: solving problems and working with others. Equipping students with these skills is our task at hand. Today’s technology truly broadens the possibilities of solving personal and world problems and allows for engaging with an authentic audience. Blended learning allows us to personalize and take ownership of learning and springboard us into greater depths of learning than we have ever had before. Each student must personally be able to connect to the information available through fast, reliable, and secure devices. They should be able to create, research, and share what they learn with others through these digital tools. The teacher should seek ways to best implement a differentiated approach to better personalize the learning for each student. 

We need willing students. We need passionate teachers. We need a powerful software. We need versatile tools. We need collaborative leaders.

- Brad Moser 2022

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